
Stirling and Bridge of Allan Tramways Petrol Tram

Stirling and Bridge of Allan Tramways began operations in Stirling in 1874. The company eventually had a seven kilometres, all operated by horse drawn trams. One of the trams, Number 22, was bought from the Edinburgh & District Tramways in 1902 to supplement the original fleet. Although the company did experiment with a steam tram, the horse remained the motive power for it's services although electrification was considered.

Number built: 1
Built: 1913 (conversion to petrol)
Builder: Dick, Kerr
Motor: Commer petrol engine

In 1913 the company converted Number 13 to petrol operation with the addition of a Commer engine. The tram worked well though any other plans for conversion were scuppered by the First World War. Stirling and Bridge of Allan Tramways closed down in 1920.
Number 22 in operation (KD collection)